making of pan bahar

Opening up the secret world of ingredients and more that go into making of our rich range.



A delightful blend of hand-picked ingredients from the best farms around the world make our pan masala a unique composition of Betelnut, Lime, Catechu, Cardamom seeds, sandal wood oil, Kewara and many rare flavouring substances, from where the story of master blend began.



The quality ingredients procured from best farms around the world are further processed using state-of-art technology for cleaning, cutting, drying and blending with an age old secret formula, that makes our pan masala a symbol of class, quality and heritage.



Master blend need to go with high tech packaging process which can make flavor, blend and quality alive and fresh till it reaches to conossier of pan masala. A Quality control follows to ensure that the product has been packaged well to meet our quality benchmarks.
